3 emergency levers to avert climate catastrophe: Leaders at Davos 2024
With the pace and impacts of climate change accelerating rapidly, here are the emergency levers world leaders can pull to avert climate catastrophe.
With the pace and impacts of climate change accelerating rapidly, here are the emergency levers world leaders can pull to avert climate catastrophe.
'A Long-Term Strategy for Climate, Nature and Energy' is a key theme at Davos, where leaders will discuss how to ensure an inclusive, net-zero and nature-positive future.
The first UN Water Conference in 46 years is about to start. This is what experts, innovators, policymakers, and business leaders hope it can achieve.
Es improbable que la crisis del coste de la vida a la que se enfrentan las personas con rentas más bajas vaya a remitir pronto, afirman los expertos de Davos 2023.
Global inflation has likely peaked, but the cost of living crisis facing those with lower incomes is unlikely to ease any time soon, say experts at Davos 2023.
A panel of experts at Davos 2022 discussed how to tackle the energy crisis and why it needs to be addressed alongside issues like climate change.
COVID caused people to snub or even flee cities and the New York Post even suggested “NYC is dead forever”. Two experts tell World Vs Virus their view.
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How do we build a fairer, greener world after COVID-19? A cast of experts - including Bob Moritz, Hilary Cottam and Geraldine Matchett - joined the latest Great Reset session to discuss.
Today's top stories: WHO warns of second COVID-19 peak; trial of hydroxycholoroquine suspended; rights group warns of impact on children; and how to stay safe while flying.
Today's top stories: How Germany contained coronavirus; South America becomes the new COVID-19 epicenter; global fiscal support during COVID-19, in one chart.
Las organizaciones benéficas de conservación están trabajando con empresas emprendedoras de todo el mundo para retirar y reciclar los aparejos de pesca desechados del océano.
Conservation charities are working with enterprising companies around the world to remove and recycle discarded fishing gear from the ocean.
Today's top stories: Europe continues to ease lockdown; Canada hikes wages of essential workers; and how COVID-19 also attacks the gut.
Today's top stories: US unemployment rate surges to 14.7% for April; UN chief warns of 'tsunami of hate'; children quiz a doctor about COVID-19.