In the past century, businesses have become increasingly proactive corporate citizens, taking on social and environmental causes that were traditionally the domain of international organizations and NGOs. Meanwhile, non-profit institutions have found their management and performance under scrutiny. As we advance to an era where efficiency and accountability take precedence, how can humanitarian funds be applied most effectively?
Dimensions to be addressed:
1. To whom should NGOs and International Organisations be accountable? What are their roles and responsibilities?
2. Should NGOs be run like businesses?
3. What are the opportunities for businesses and NGOs to collaborate? What are the drivers to create partnerships?
Mega sport events are of great interest to regions all over the world. The costs and benefits of hosting these large-scale events are matters ...
Obesity is the fastest-growing chronic disease, killing 2.8 million adults every year. With 1.4 billion overweight adults, we live in a world ...
Globally, there is a need to create 600 million productive jobs over the next decade to ensure sustainable growth and preserve social cohesion...