Juan Merlini and Ricardo Monte Alto
February 12, 2025
China had aimed to double its wind and solar capacity by 2030. But if all its prospective projects are successfully built and commissioned, China is set to meet this goal in just 2 years’ time. This rapid progress could limit global emissions faster than forecast.
China accounts for almost a fifth of both the world’s population and global GDP. It’s the world’s biggest emitter of CO2, but it dwarfs the rest of the world when it comes to renewable energy.
Today, China boasts 39% of the world’s wind power capacity and generates more solar power than the rest of the world put together. Its planned additions will increase global wind power capacity by almost 50% and global solar capacity by 85%.
China already hosts the world’s largest renewable energy power station. It produces 5 billion kWh of clean energy, enough to power more than 6 million Chinese homes and save 2.4 million tonnes of CO2.
The energy sector accounts for around 75% of global emissions. The world needs to add new wind and solar at 4 times the current annual rate if we are to achieve net zero by 2050.
China’s rapid progress in renewable energy is a major boost for the global effort to tackle climate change. It shows that it is possible to transition to a clean energy future without sacrificing economic growth. China’s example can inspire other countries to follow suit and accelerate the global transition to clean energy.
Juan Merlini and Ricardo Monte Alto
February 12, 2025