Winston Ma, CFA Esq.

Adjunct Professor, New York University

Winston Ma is an investor, attorney, author, and adjunct professor in the global digital economy. Most recently for 10 years, he was Managing Director for China Investment Corporation (CIC), China’s sovereign wealth fund. At CIC’s inception in 2007, he was among the first group of overseas hires by CIC, where he had leadership roles in global investments involving financial services, technology (TMT), energy and natural resources sectors (Head of CIC North America office 2014-2015). Prior to that, Mr. Ma served as the deputy head of equity capital markets at Barclays Capital, a vice president at J.P. Morgan investment banking, and a corporate lawyer at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP. Book author of China's Mobile Economy (Wiley 2016, among “best 2016 business books for CIOs”), Digital Economy 2.0 (Chinese, 2017), The Digital Silk Road (2018 German), China's AI Big Bang (Japanese 2019), Investing in China (Risk Books, 2006). Latest books - "The Hunt for Unicorns: How Sovereign Funds Are Reshaping Investment in the Digital Economy" and "The Digital War – How China’s Tech Power Shapes the Future of AI, Blockchain and Cyberspace". He was selected a 2013 Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, and in 2014 he received the Distinguished Alumni Award from New York University (NYU). He has served as adjunct professor at NYU School of Law.

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