Global Future Council on the Future of Food and Water Security
Global Future Council on the Future of Food and Water Security
Council Mission and Objectives
As we stand on the precipice of multiple tipping points, there is an urgent need to elevate the security risks that are directly and indirectly linked to food systems transformation and water security, and to understand the role of innovation. As the world's population is grows to 8.5 billion people by 2025, how can we harness the potential of technology and data-driven solutions to accelerate food and water security?
Ranveer Chandra, Managing Director, Research for Industry; Chief Technology Officer, Agri-Food, Microsoft Corp.
Usha Rao-Monari, Undersecretary-General and Associate Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Council Manager
Noopur Desai, Programme Lead, Food Innovation Hub, Food Systems Initiative, World Economic Forum
Morgan Booher, Specialist, Food and Water, World Economic Forum
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