Alex Cobham

Chief Executive, Tax Justice Network (TJN)

Alex Cobham is chief executive of the Tax Justice Network, the leading international organisation dedicated to ending the global damage caused by tax havens and corporate tax abuse, and a commissioner for the Scottish Government’s Poverty and Inequality Commission. He is a development economist, having previously worked on inequality and tax at Oxford University and the Centre for Global Development, and leading the policy research teams at Christian Aid and Save the Children. Alex has published two books: The Uncounted (Polity Press); and Estimating Illicit Financial Flows: A Critical Guide to the Data, Methodologies, and Findings (Oxford University Press, with Petr Janský). He is also a founding member of the steering group of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT), and of the technical advisory group for the Fair Tax Mark. He has consulted widely, including for UNCTAD, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, DFID, and the World Bank.

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