Ian De Cruz

Global Director, P4G Partnerships

Ian de Cruz is the Global Director of P4G, Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030, a new initiative to support innovative public-private partnerships that advance the new economy. He leads efforts to bring together global government, business, and civil- society organizations to grow game-changing partnerships to supply humanity’s greatest needs: food, water, shelter, energy, and sustainable use of resources. Ian directs P4G’s Global Hub from World Resources Institute’s headquarters in Washington DC.

Prior to joining P4G, Ian worked at the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, serving as Deputy Director of Global Strategy and Partnerships. In this role, he co-led the strategic direction, vision, work program, and funding strategy for the organization, and directed engagement with a network of more than 100 organizations. He has also co-led the integration of climate change within core humanitarian and development work of World Vision, one of the world’s largest international non-government organisations working in nearly 100 countries which included working on a large-scale forestry project for carbon markets in Africa. Ian has also helped shape large complex commercial transactions of public private partnership projects in infrastructure in Australia in the energy, resources, transport and urban planning sectors. Trained as a lawyer, Ian has held management positions in Australian government departments.

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