JP Rangaswami

Digital Member

Originally an economist and financial journalist; 35 years’ experience in information technology, primarily in the financial sector. Former: senior IT positions at a number of multinational organizations, including BT and Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein; Chief Scientist,, driving forward the firm’s products and social service innovation capabilities. Adjunct Professor of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton University. Former Trustee, Computer History Museum. Fellow: British Computer Society; Royal Society of the Arts. Trustee, Web Science Trust. Keynote speaker, specialising in the future of work, disruptive technologies and innovation. Has also contributed to a number of books and publications: Augmented, The Cluetrain Manifesto, The Gameful World, and Scientific American. Held a TED talk on “Information is food”. Blogs at Recipient of honours and awards, including: ranked 4th in list of the most influential people in IT, Computer Weekly (2013); CIO of the Year, Waters Magazine (2003); CIO Innovator of the Year, European Technology Forum (2004); European Innovator of the Year, Innovate (2005).

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