Tanya Filer

Public Policy and Policy Engagement (Digital State Project lead), Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Dr. Tanya Filer leads the Digital State Project at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, where her research and policy engagement focus on the creation and sustainable growth of GovTech innovation ecosystems and digital government more broadly. She has worked in Europe, the US, and Latin America. Tanya served on the Council on the Future of Information and Entertainment at the World Economic Forum, and is an Advisor to the Fourth Group, which considers the societal impact of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Tanya runs Tech States, the Bennett Institute's podcast interview series with leading international voices on government and technology, and is a WEF Agenda and Wired contributor.

At the University of Cambridge, Tanya's postgraduate seminars explore public policy and technological innovation. She is a Teaching Associate at Cambridge’s Centre for Latin American Studies and has also taught at Yale, Oxford and UCL.

Tanya has been a Frank Knox Memorial Fellow at Harvard University, British Research Council Scholar at the Library of Congress, Collaborative Exchange Scholar at Yale University and Leverhulme Trust Scholar at the Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires. She is a graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and UCL. In 2018, Tanya is a UK-Israel British Council fellow in Cyber Research.

Tanya is passionate about helping governments, start-ups, and other organisations to build more innovate public sectors and better run societies.

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