Weng Marc Lim

Founding Curator and Outgoing Curator, Kuching Hub

Professor Weng Marc Lim, PhD, is a Professor and the Dean of Sunway University Business School and the Founding Curator of the Global Shapers Community Kuching Hub.

Professor Lim is certified as the record holder for "Youngest Professor" in the Malaysia Book of Records in 2020 and named as an honoree of the Ten Outstanding Young Malaysians in 2019 by JCI.

Professor Lim received his PhD in business and economics from Monash University and post-PhD certificates in leadership and strategic management from Cornell University and in education leadership and pedagogy from Harvard University and Swinburne University.

Professor Lim has extensively published in A-ranked international journals, such as Annals of Operations Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, Economic Modelling, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Marketing Theory, and Psychology and Marketing, among others.

Professor Lim’s areas of expertise from his quintuple-helix research partnerships with academia, communities, government agencies, industry players, and non-governmental organizations include, but are not limited to, developing advanced technologies and socio-economic policies for behavioral change, empowerment, and entrepreneurship to alleviate poverty, accelerate wealth generation, reduce inequality, and forge societal inclusion.

Professor Lim is also a strong proponent of Planetary Health and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, having developed several best practice models, including the Integrated Model for Sustainable Consumption (published in the Journal of Business Research) and The Sustainability Pyramid (published in the Australasian Marketing Journal).

In an area of special interest, namely women entrepreneurship and technology advancement for poverty alleviation, wealth generation, and workforce re-entry among women in marginalized areas and communities, Professor Lim, as a strong male advocate of women empowerment, has worked together with the Ministry of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development to scrutinize the current state of affairs of existing, aspiring, and potential women entrepreneurs in Sarawak, Malaysia. In doing so, the findings that Professor Lim and his gender-balanced teams have shared have been used by the Ministry and supporting industries to develop basic and advanced programs to empower existing, aspiring, and potential women entrepreneurs, especially single mothers and women rural dwellers, to gain a baseline understanding in business and entrepreneurship before scaffolding them to learn and leverage on the advances in technology, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and IoT to thrive in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. When combined with policy and solutions developed from quintuple-helix partnerships, such as linking startup funds with affordable home applications and developing mobile government services, one-stop digital and physical education and resource centers, and smart applications, Professor Lim's research has produced significant impact to alleviate poverty and accelerate wealth generation among women, especially single mothers and rural dwellers, in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Professor Lim warmly welcomes collaborations and speaking opportunities in his area of expertise and special interest.

Learn more about Professor Lim at http://www.wengmarc.com.

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