13th Annual Meeting of the New Champions to Focus on Shaping Success in a New Era of Globalization

30 Apr 2019

Oliver Cann, Public Engagement, Tel.: +41 79 799 3405; oliver.cann@weforum.org

  • World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2019 will convene under the theme of Leadership 4.0: Succeeding in a New Era of Globalization
  • At a time of heightened geostrategic competition, the meeting will identify models for cooperation and highlight how businesses can shape the future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to deliver sustainable, inclusive growth
  • Over 1,500 leaders from business, government and civil society will convene for the meeting, which takes place in Dalian, People’s Republic of China, on 1-3 July
  • Media accreditation is now open at: www.weforummedia.org

Geneva, Switzerland, and Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 30 April 2019 – At a time when the global economy and geopolitical landscapes are undergoing fundamental change, the World Economic Forum’s 13th Annual Meeting of the New Champions will bring together leaders from business, government and civil society to identify new pathways for sustainable and inclusive economic growth and showcase new models for global cooperation.

Convening under the theme, Leadership 4.0: Succeeding in a New Era of Globalization, the meeting builds on the concept developed last January at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 that our world is being defined by a new era of globalization shaped by a shifting geopolitical landscape, rapid technological advances and new, urgent ecological challenges.

“Over the last 12 years, the Annual Meeting of the New Champions has become the foremost global meeting point for leaders at the top of technological and leadership development. It is a great place for multicultural interaction in our multipolar and multiconceptual world. This year’s programme will focus on Globalization 4.0, a system of cooperation that is more technology-oriented, more sustainable and more inclusive,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.

To help businesses, governments and civil society organizations develop the leadership necessary to harness the disruptive forces these changes bring and to restore a spirit of international cooperation in the face of shared challenges, the programme will include sessions on:

  • Investing in China: How a new era of regulation can reduce trade tensions and inject fresh capital into the local economy
  • Technology and Trade: Technology will disrupt trade more than tariffs; with 3D printing making reshoring a reality and blockchain enabling new flows of goods and services, agility is needed for leaders to navigate this fast-changing landscape
  • Funding the Workforce of the Future: How to reskill the millions of workers whose roles – and lives – will be changed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Responsible Data: Data extraction is a rapidly growing industry, but how can its growth be sustained while protecting individuals and society?
  • The Cost of Climate Change: With climate inaction potentially running to $23 trillion annually, how can we avoid the worst financial calamity of all time?
  • Greater Bay Area: China’s Greater Bay Area is well known within China, but how can its scale and excellence be harnessed for global benefit?
  • Full Charge: With China’s electric-vehicle market expected to grow 46% by 2020, what are the best strategies for absorbing its massive impact on our economies and cities?

The meeting will also provide an opportunity to advance a number of projects being undertaken on the Forum’s unique platform for international public-private cooperation. These include initiatives aimed at promoting cooperation on technology governance, sustainable manufacturing, reskilling, implementing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, biodiversity, the circular economy, precision medicine, and more.

“The world is entering a new era of globalization, shaped by technological change and urgent ecological threat. The Annual Meeting of the New Champions will demonstrate new models that allow cooperation and collective action involving all stakeholders and actors in spite of this new reality,” said David Aikman, Chief Representative Officer, China, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum.

Media accreditation for this event is now open. If you are a member of the media and wish to cover the event, please submit your accreditation request online at www.weforummedia.org. The deadline for media accreditation is Friday 14 June 2019. No accreditation will be done on site. All accreditation requests are subject to final confirmation by the World Economic Forum.

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