Richard Socher

Chief Executive Officer and Founder,

Richard Socher is the CEO at - a new search engine to make the world's information useful for you: Summarize the web without ads, with great privacy and values of trust, kindness and facts. He is also founder and GP at AIX Ventures where he invests in AI+X companies that harness AI for positive impact.

Prior to, he was the Chief Scientist at Salesforce. Before that Richard was an adjunct professor at the Stanford Computer Science Department and the CEO and founder of MetaMind, a startup acquired by Salesforce in April 2016. Richard was awarded the Distinguished Application Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2011, the 2011 Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Award, a Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship in 2012, a 2013 "Magic Grant" from the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, the best Stanford CS PhD thesis award 2014 and the 2014 GigaOM Structure Award. He is currently a member of the World Economic Forum's 'Young Global Leaders' Class of 2017 and on the Board of Directors for the Global Fund for Women.

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