Tech and investment are fueling a surge in the China-GCC economic bond
The China-GCC economic bond is scaling new heights as the Middle East becomes increasingly important to global trade. Here's how investors can capitalize.
Investcorp is a global investment manager, specializing in alternative investments across private equity, real estate, credit, absolute return strategies, GP stakes, infrastructure and insurance asset management. Since its inception in 1982, it has focused on generating attractive returns for clients while creating long-term value in investee companies and for shareholders. Investcorp has 13 offices across the US, Europe, Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Asia, including India, China and Singapore. As of January 2023, Investcorp Group had $50 billion in total assets under management, including assets managed by third-party managers, and employed approximately 500 people from 50 nationalities globally.
The China-GCC economic bond is scaling new heights as the Middle East becomes increasingly important to global trade. Here's how investors can capitalize.
Synthetic biology, the intersection of biological and advanced digital technologies, is poised to revolutionize its role in creating sustainable economies.