A net zero carbon future for cities
The World Economic Forum is convening stakeholders with a role to play for global cities to have a chance of reaching the net zero carbon goal for by 2030.
JERA’s mission is to provide cutting-edge solutions to the world’s energy issues. Through its global operations it brings energy solutions to Japan, helping to solve the country’s energy challenges. It seeks to establish new energy supply models for Japan while offering energy supply models established in Japan to other countries facing similar energy concerns, providing the world with energy solutions. Its vision is to be a global leader in liquefied natural gas (LNG) and renewables, sparking the transition to a clean energy economy by focusing on two businesses: LNG value chain and large-scale renewable energy.
The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is advancing the application of human-centred and society-serving technologies.
The Centre for Urban Transformation is advancing public-private collaboration in cities, enabling more resilient and future-ready communities and local economies.