Eric White and Nitin Jain
February 12, 2025
The Caribbean island of Dominica has taken a significant step towards marine conservation by establishing the world's first sperm whale reserve. This protected area encompasses 800 square kilometers of ocean off the island's western coast, a crucial feeding and nursing ground for up to 500 sperm whales. The reserve aims to safeguard these endangered giants from collisions with large fishing and commercial vessels, as well as entanglement in fishing gear.
Sperm whales, with their impressive size and remarkable intelligence, hold a special place in Dominica's ecosystem. They are among the world's largest creatures, growing up to 24 meters in length and possessing the largest brain of any animal on Earth. Once numbering in the millions, sperm whales were heavily hunted for their oil, leading to a drastic decline in their population. Today, only around 800,000 remain.
As countries around the world commit to protecting at least 30% of the ocean and coasts by 2030, the World Economic Forum's Centre for Nature and Climate provides a platform for collaborative action. Friends of Ocean Action advocates for swift implementation of the High Seas Treaty, a vital step towards safeguarding and restoring marine life. These efforts, along with the establishment of the sperm whale reserve, demonstrate the growing recognition of ocean conservation as a critical aspect of global sustainability.
Eric White and Nitin Jain
February 12, 2025