US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
A US government lab has released three highly anticipated encryption algorithms that were built to withstand cyberattacks from quantum computers.
Filipe is a cyber resilience and digital professional with a focus on strategy, transformation and innovation on public-private sectors. Filipe has 10+ years of experience in helping organizations shaping and delivering their global cyber and digital strategies and transformations by bridging a strong technical background with business strategy. Filipe holds a PhD in Applied Cryptography from the University of Leuven, MSc in Computer Science from the University of Bristol, and BSc in Computer Engineering from the New University of Lisbon.
A US government lab has released three highly anticipated encryption algorithms that were built to withstand cyberattacks from quantum computers.
Transport plays a key role in connecting global economies by facilitating global trade and economic activity, so we must ensure that it's cyber secure.
Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry can be ruinous — for individuals and entire organizations. That's why cyber resilience is critical in healthcare.
These principles are tools to catalyse dialogue, guide decision-making, and inform regulatory approaches to quantum-security in the financial sector.
The ongoing digitization and renewables-driven transformation of the energy sector makes energy companies particularly vulnerable.
With awareness of the cybersecurity threat posed by quantum computers rising, businesses must take steps to ensure that they are quantum ready
Los riesgos de ciberseguridad en el sector manufacturero afectan desde la planta a los consumidores y a las partes interesadas de las empresas; el plan del Foro Económico Mundial busca la...
Cybersecurity risks in manufacturing reach far, to consumers and corporate stakeholders; the World Economic Forum's plan seeks collective responsibility.
地政学的緊張により、サイバーリスクが増大している一方で、サイバー攻撃が地政学的安定を揺るがしています。 ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が長期化の様相を呈する中、ロシア軍が再攻勢を仕掛ける公算が高いことを考えると、一斉的なハイブリッド攻撃の一環として悪意のあるサイバー作戦が展開されることが予想されます。
Las tensiones geopolíticas están aumentando los riesgos cibernéticos. Lograr la cyber resiliencia requiere un enfoque que trascienda fronteras y empresas.
Achieving cyber resilience is one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges. It requires a harmonised approach that stretches across borders and businesses.
Digitalization represents the challenges and solutions for delivering energy needs and security, which is why the sector must embrace cyber resilience.
The European Union is set to make major upgrades to its bloc-wide cybersecurity framework for the first time in years.
Many businesses indicate that they are waiting for ‘the right moment’ to kickstart the transition to secure their systems against the quantum threat.