Mapped: fossil fuel production by country
These animated maps resize each country based on their share of global fossil fuel production. Data gathered by the US Energy Information Administration.
These animated maps resize each country based on their share of global fossil fuel production. Data gathered by the US Energy Information Administration.
These four charts show how Americans earn and spend their money, based on education level.
仅仅六年前,风险投资家Aileen Lee创造了“独角兽”一词,用以形容那些估值10亿美元或以上的私人初创企业。
The world’s 326 unicorns are valued at $1.1 trillion, with China's ByteDance the largest of these.
The human race is at a crucial point in its history, as its population growth begins to decline.
The entire digital universe is expected to reach 44 zettabytes by 2020.
This simple chart shows where everyone on the globe lives - all 7 and a half billion of them.
These charts show who the movers and shakers are in global economics for 2019.
In order to survive and prosper, companies must attract the top talent from around the world. This is where they're all coming from and going to.
It might seem like a small amount of time, but an awful lot can happen in the space of a minute across the entire internet.
While we can't predict with certainty what the jobs of the future will look like, this graphic visualizes what the past 150 years of employment looked like in the United States.
As the robotic revolution swings into action, these charts highlight how the rise of automation will effect the workplace.
How do the continents compare when it comes to median age?