Global Manufacturing Hubs: Pioneering sustainable innovation across continents
The World Economic Forum is transforming global manufacturing with cutting-edge tech and sustainable innovation, fostering local growth and global exchange.
The Turkish Employers Association of Metal Industries (MESS) was founded in 1959 to help lead the development of Turkey’s metal industry. Its main activities are to: operationalize the new vision to enable member companies in their digital transformation journey to Industry 4.0 and to maintain its conventional tasks as an industry association. It represents a wide range of metal and related industries, including automotive, moulding, machinery, durable goods, iron and steel, and cabling, with more than 185,000 employees. Its membership includes: Siemens, Bosch, B/S/H, Mercedes Benz, Ford & FIAT (Koc Holding Joint Ventures), Koç Group, Renault, MAN and Gestamp.