Mette Morsing

Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford

Professor Morsing is the Director of the Smith School. She's also a Fellow by Special Election at St Edmund Hall.

Professor Morsing’s area of research expertise is organisation theory and corporate sustainability, with a focus on governance, strategy, communication, identity and cross-sector partnerships.

She is appointed to a number of international board/council memberships and honorary fellowships, including RSM Rotterdam School of Management (Holland), Kings College London (UK), Sasin School of Management (Thailand), RRBM Research for Responsible Research for Business and Management (USA), and Boards Impact Forum (Sweden).

She is also an editorial member of internationally highly recognised academic journals as well as the co-editor of the 'Business, Society and Values Creation' book series at Cambridge University Press. She has been awarded and served as the lead on a number of international prestigious research grants.

She has served on numerous boards, committees and councils with regards to sustainable development and her research has won several international recognitions, especially her research with a practice orientation. She is an invited author, researcher and speaker at global academic and business conferences, with expertise spanning responsible management, responsible management education and sustainable development. In 2022, she was invited to do more than 200 global public speaking engagements in Africa, East Asia, Australia, Eurasia, China, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and Europe.

She was previously the Head of the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), UN Global Compact, in New York USA, a role she held from 2020-2023. She led the United Nation’s largest initiative on responsible management education with more than 800 business school and university signatories signed up to advance sustainability in leadership education. Previously, Professor Morsing held professorial positions at the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), where she was the Founding Director of the Centre for Corporate Sustainability, and the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden), where she was Executive Director of the Mistra Centre for Sustainable Markets (Misum).

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