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The industry must prioritize sustainable aviation fuel and aircraft design improvements while advancing novel propulsion technologies to reduce long-term emissions.

Performance summary
– Global air passenger traffic surged by nearly 37% in 2023, with total revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) reaching 94% of pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels from 2019. This highlights a strong recovery in the industry.91
– The absolute direct emissions were 0.94 Gt CO2e92 in 2023 – an 8% reduction from 1.02 Gt CO2e93 in 2019.
– The industry has decreased emission intensity by 3%94 in the last five years.
– In 2023, SAF volumes reached over 600 million litres (0.5 Mt), double the 300 million litres (0.25 Mt) produced in 2022, but still only amounting to 0.2% of all aviation fuel for the year.95 SAF production volume is projected to triple to 0.53%96 of aviation’s fuel need in 2024.
– Energy intensity reduced by 19% from 14.9 megajoules of energy used per revenue tonne kilometre (MJ/RTK) in 2020 to 12.1 MJ/RTK in 2022.97
Future emissions trajectory
– The industry is forecasted to reduce emissions intensity by 13%98 by 2030 and 76%99 by 2050, compared to 2023 levels, according to IATA Net-Zero Roadmap S2 scenario. The absolute direct CO2e emissions are expected to be 1.12 Gt100 in 2030 and 0.47 Gt101 in 2050.
– In the aviation industry, 75%102 of publicly traded companies consider climate change in their operational decision-making processes.
Readiness key takeaways

Sector priorities

Note: This page presents a condensed summary of the sector’s performance, for a complete view, including on the sector’s readiness for the energy transition, please view the sector PDF here.