Social Innovation
2022年《全球创业观察》(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor)报告评估了全球50个国家的创业状况;今年,阿联酋、荷兰以及芬兰在最适合创业的国家排行榜中名列前茅;政府可以通过在疫情等紧急情况下帮助初创企业与支持女性企业家来鼓励创业。
Dr Alicia Coduras is the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) National Expert Survey Coordinator since 2007. Based in Spain, she is one of the GEM 2021/22 Global Report authors, a member of the GEM Saudi Arabia team, and an experienced professor in quantitative methods and statistics.
2022年《全球创业观察》(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor)报告评估了全球50个国家的创业状况;今年,阿联酋、荷兰以及芬兰在最适合创业的国家排行榜中名列前茅;政府可以通过在疫情等紧急情况下帮助初创企业与支持女性企业家来鼓励创业。
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor's 2022 report assesses the conditions for entrepreneurs in 50 countries. Check out the best countries for entrepreneurs as per the latest report.