The rise of age-friendly jobs in the US
Increasing age-friendly jobs might raise employment at older ages in the US, which could be beneficial to the economy in the longer term, experts say.
Andrew Scott is Professor of Economics and former Deputy Dean at London Business School. He is also a Fellow of All Souls, Oxford University and Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. He previously held lecturing positions at Harvard University, London School of Economics and Oxford University.
Increasing age-friendly jobs might raise employment at older ages in the US, which could be beneficial to the economy in the longer term, experts say.
Dado que una proporción mucho mayor de la población de EE.UU. tiene más de 70 años ahora que durante la gripe española, se necesita un enfoque más adaptado para luchar contra el coronavir...
As a much greater proportion of the US population is over 70 now than during the Spanish flu, a more tailored approach is needed to fight coronavirus, writes economist Andrew Scott.
How we think about ageing populations needs a significant overhaul.
¿Qué pensaría mi yo de 100 años de mi yo actual?”. ¿Crees que tu yo futuro estaría satisfecho con las decisiones que tomas actualmente? A continuación hay cuatro ideas que, en nuestra exp...
We must overcome deeply ingrained tendencies towards short-termism.