How will the US-China trade war affect corporate America?
American companies run a significant trade surplus in China, which means that they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a potential US-China trade war.
BSc in Economics. Former central banker, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Bank Negara Malaysia. Former financial regulator in Asia and commentator on global finance. Former Chairman, Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. 1989-93, with the World Bank. 203-05, Chair, Technical Committee, International Organisation of Securities Commissions. President, Fung Global Institute, responsible for operations and driving research agenda and though leadership. Chief Adviser, China Banking Regulatory Commission; Board Member, Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority, Kazanah Nasional Berhad and Sime Darby Berhad, Malaysia. Member, International Advisory Council, China Investment Corporation, China Development Bank; Member, Advisory Council on Shanghai and International Council, Freie University, Berlin. Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University and University of Malaysia. Pro-chancellor, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak. Author of publications on monetary, economic and financial issues, including From Asian to global financial crisis: an Asian regulator's view of unfettered finance in the 1990s and 2000s.
American companies run a significant trade surplus in China, which means that they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a potential US-China trade war.
Investment in green, efficient urban centres is central to China's long-term plans for growth.
The rise of cryptocurrencies has created a unique opportunity for market forces to spearhead a shift towards a truly neutral reserve asset.
香港 - 中国数字经济不容小觑。如今,中国已经在全球电子商务领域拥有42%的份额,还集中了全球最成功的三分之一的科技创业公司,中国的移动支付规模也是美国的11倍,但对中国来说,发展数字经济,依旧面临重重挑战。
If China is to ensure the continued development of its digital economy, while containing the risks associated with disruption, its leaders will need to implement smart regulations.
De nombreux défis attendent la Chine qui représente 42% du commerce électronique mondial.
En una "China digital" forzosamente habrá ganadores y perdedores. Pero cuanto antes los trabajadores desplazados puedan adaptarse a las nuevas realidades, más saludable será el sistema.
Rapid digitization will allow the Chinese economy to continue moving up the value chain.
A stable relationship between the US and China is vital for job creation - particularly in the face of automation.
中国一线城市(北、上、广、深)的房价一直在上涨。 现如今,中国一线城市房子的单位价格,已经赶上了世界上最昂贵城市(纽约、伦敦、香港)均价的一半。 在房价泡沫崩溃之前,中国需要为这个市场里的资本压力找到出口,而这就需要着眼于中国广袤大地上的城市化进程,而不仅仅局限在四个一线城市。 当然,住房状况在四个一线城市还是最为紧迫。 中国政府已经迅速推动“限购令”来冷却过度高涨的市...
Urbanization in China's high-income cities may provide valuable insight into how to continue the country’s remarkable development story.
Exploring how Asia can put its savings to work.
A look at the possible influence of the Trump administration on China's economy and currency.
The authors looks at the impact of the Trump presidency on the dollar and the international monetary system.