The 3 changes that can pave the way for regenerative agriculture
For adoptable regenerative agriculture, there needs to be a more systemic transition with better collaboration, risk sharing and valued ecosystem services.
- Currently (since 11/2018) CEO of EIT Food, a European Union funded non-profit that works with an Ecosystem of Partners to transform the Food System
- For 10 years (02/2008 to 02/2018) CEO and Board Member of Open Innovation Company NineSigma in Cleveland, OH
- For 4 years Executive VP at publicly traded Belgian Managed Network Company Telindus
- For 5 years Executive Director at Virtual Network Telco Vanco in the UK and the USA, which included a successful IPO
- For 6 years Senior Manager and Director at KPMG Consulting in Germany and the UK
- For 6 years CEO of Germany owned Automation company KEB Americas in Minneapolis, MN, USA
Double degree combining Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering
PhD from RWTH Aachen, Germany