Working and caring during UK lockdown: who bears the brunt?
UK study reveals women did more unpaid work than men during 2020 lockdown. We need a care-led recovery to address the mental health and gender imbalances.
I completed a PhD in Epidemiology from UCL in 2016 investigating the association between retirement and CVD risk factors, using 2 Chinese cohort studies (CHNS, CHARLS) and 1 British cohort study (ELSA). Prior to this I did a MSc in Health and Society: Social Epidemiology also in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UCL. My summer project investigated the impact of the stepfather on children's mental health in lone-mother families using the Millennium Cohort Study
Research Summary
Research interests include gender division of domestic labour, retirement, working conditions and health, transitions into adulthood, social media use, and cross-national comparisons. I am working in the ESRC International Centre For Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health. I am currently working on two projects: gender division of domestic labour using the Understanding Society and social media use using the Millennium Cohort Study.
Prior to this I worked on the quantitative component of an ESRC-funded mixed-methods project on transitions to adulthood amongst the generation of women represented by the 1946 birth cohort and the ELSA, with Penny Tinkler at the University of Manchester and Anne McMunn at UCL. I also worked on an ESRC-funded project on Research on Extending Working Life (renEWL), using the Whitehall II study and the ELSA.