To meet carbon targets we must invest in natural gas – here's why
The only way to stay within 2°C is by rebalancing the current energy mixture towards natural gas. Choosing to invest in natural gas, could be one solution
1979, degree in Physics, University of Milan. 1981, joined Eni as Oil & Gas Field Petroleum Engineering and Project Manager for the development of North Sea, Libya, Nigeria and Congo; 1990, Head, Reservoir and Operating Activities, Italy; 1994, Managing Director, Eni subsidiary in Congo; 1998, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Naoc, Nigeria; 2000-01, Executive Vice-President, Africa, Middle East and China; 2002-05, Executive Vice-President, Italy, Africa, Middle East and Chairman of the Board, several Eni subsidiaries in the area; 2005, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Eni - Exploration & Production Division; 2006-14, President, Assomineraria; 2010-14, Chairman, Eni UK; since July 2008, Chief Operating Officer, Eni - Exploration & Production Division; since May 2014, Chief Executive Officer. Vice-President, Confindustria Energia. Recipient, Charles F. Rand Memorial Gold Medal 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers and the American Institute of Mining Engineers.