Meet Alice, the battery-powered plane that could herald the age of electric air travel
Could this electric plane, unveiled at this year’s Paris Air Show, help cut costs and reduce aviation’s environmental impact?
Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
Could this electric plane, unveiled at this year’s Paris Air Show, help cut costs and reduce aviation’s environmental impact?
The launch of this garbage cafe will help some of India’s poorest people feed their families at the same time as cleaning up the environment.
With 6,000 types of gin already in production worldwide, researchers have now discovered that making gin from fermented peas instead of wheat is better for the environment. Pea gin, anyone?
Here are some of the remarkable natural and cultural landmarks UNESCO has awarded special status to this year.
If your green credentials are missing the mark, you could end up being victim to ‘eco-shaming’. But does it achieve what it set out to do?
The invisible ‘dust’ that settles after a cigarette has been extinguished is known as third-hand smoke - and can be especially harmful to babies and children. Here’s what you need to know.