Imaginemos una recuperación azul
Erna Solberg, PM de Norweigan y Tommy Remengesau, Jr, Presidente de Palau, discuten el papel esencial que desempeña el océano en la creación de un futuro mundial sostenible y próspero.
Since 1989, has held a seat in the Storting (Parliament), except during 2001-05 mandate as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development. Since 2004, leader of the Conservative Party. Oct. 2013, appointed Prime Minister of Norway. Re-elected in 2017. Leads a government formed by the Conservative party and the Progressive Party. Co-Chair, first of the Advocacy Group for the Millennium Development Goals, and from 2016 of the Sustainable Development Goals Advocacy Group, appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General.
Erna Solberg, PM de Norweigan y Tommy Remengesau, Jr, Presidente de Palau, discuten el papel esencial que desempeña el océano en la creación de un futuro mundial sostenible y próspero.
Erna Solberg, Norweigan PM and Tommy Remengesau, Jr, President of Palau, discuss the essential role the ocean plays in creating a sustainable and prosperous global future.
Un nouvel "élan bleu" pour nos économies.
The response to the coronavirus pandemic cannot be decoupled from the UN's sustainability targets write two world leaders.
With just 12 years to go before the 2030 deadline for meeting the SDGs, it is clear that the ocean will play a central role. World leaders much act now, writes the Prime Minister of Norwa...
Donner aux femmes et aux filles les moyens de réussir n’est pas seulement ce qu’il y a lieu de faire, mais également le moyen de transformer nos économies et nos sociétés.
Ahora que la conciencia pública está creciendo, es hora de ejercer presión con medidas concretas para ayudar a las mujeres
The Prime Minister of Norway and the Head of the IMF write that we've reached a turning point for women's roles and opportunities.