The world needs a strong and sustained dose of social justice. Here's why
Social justice has receded due to COVID-19, the economic crisis and geopolitical turmoil. We must work to prevent and reduce inequalities at all levels.
Degree in Accounting and Finance, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada; advanced degree in Business Management, University of Lomé, Togo. Formerly, United Nations Development Programme including: Member, Strategic Management Team; Director of Finance and Administration; 2003, Chief of Staff; 2005, UN Assistant Secretary-General; Assistant Administrator and Director, Regional Bureau for Africa. Since September 2008, Prime Minister of Togo. Member, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Social justice has receded due to COVID-19, the economic crisis and geopolitical turmoil. We must work to prevent and reduce inequalities at all levels.
We must help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change, write International Fund for Agricultural Development President Gilbert F. Houngbo and UN Goodwill Ambassador Idris Elba.
Small-scale farmers are also the best hope for increasing land productivity and food variety. Here are five ways to support them and feed a growing world.
COVID-19 ha hecho que la población mundial dependa en gran medida del acceso a la tecnología digital, lo que ha dejado a muchos trabajadores agrícolas sin acceso a los datos y la informac...
COVID-19 has made the global population rely heavily on access to digital technology, leaving many agricultural workers without access to data and information.
These steps can prevent global food shortages during COVID-19 or the crises to come, says the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development President.
The Food Action Alliance aims to address the world's fragmented agricultural production – and make our food systems more efficient.