Halla Hrund Logadottir is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Arctic Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School and the Founder of the Arctic Innovation Lab, established to encourage business and social innovation across the Arctic region. In her native Iceland, Halla serves on the advisory board to Iceland's Minister of Industry, Innovation and Commerce on Iceland's Energy Fund and collaborates with the country's senior leadership on Arctic issues. Halla is the former director of the Iceland School of Energy at Reykjavik University where she lectures on Arctic affairs. Halla is a frequent commentator on environment, energy, and innovation for the Arctic. She was one of the 15 invited writers in United Nations Chronicle's special edition on sustainable energy published in relation to COP21 and co-curates the World Economic Forum's Arctic Transformation Map. Among her other roles include being the Co-founder of Girls4Girls non-profit; a global mentorship program which aims to arm young women with the courage, vision, and skills needed to take on public leadership. Previously, Halla worked on an entrepreneurship training program in Togo, West Africa, on the "Aid for Trade Initiative," at the OECD in Paris, and as an EU and bilateral officer for Iceland's Minister for Foreign Affairs in Brussels. In 2016, Halla was selected as a Louis Bacon Environmental Leadership Fellow through Harvard's Center for Public Leadership and earned an MPA degree from the Harvard Kennedy School. Earlier, Halla studied political science, economics and trade at the University of Iceland, the London School of Economics, and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University..
More plastic is finding its way to the Arctic, which has repercussions for Arctic and global ecosystems and economies as well as human health. The Arctic Council and World Economic Forum ...
The effects of climate change on the northern ice sheets will be felt far beyond the region.