In a digital society, governments should innovate with the best of them
Platform societies and economies are pushing governments to become more innovative. Can they meet the challenge, asks Helen Margetts.
Professor of Society and the Internet and Director, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Adviser to UK Government Digital Service (Cabinet Office) and international organizations including OECD. Author of books, including: Digital Era Governance (2008); Paradoxes of Modernization (2010); Chaotic Pluralism: Social Media and Collective Action (2014). International expert on digital era government and politics, developing new models of governance and citizen mobilization arising from widespread use of the Internet and related technologies, using big data, experiments and qualitative research.
Platform societies and economies are pushing governments to become more innovative. Can they meet the challenge, asks Helen Margetts.
¿Puede nuestro nuevo hábitat en las redes sociales ser tan cerrado como, cuando nuestras redes digitales son mucho más grandes y heterogéneas que cualquier otra cosa que hayamos tenido an...
Social media is transforming the world of politics everywhere. But maybe not in the ways we think.