Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of ClimateAi – a series- B company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help companies and countries adapt their food and water supply chains to climate change.
Has previously worked with former US Vice-President Al Gore and Lord Nicholas Stern and was the lead emissions modeler for India with contributions to Paris Discussions. Listed in Tech Insider's TOP 100 people in artificial intelligence globally. Thought leadership has been published by FT, CNN, WSJ, Forbes, BBC, Reuters and Stanford Social Innovation Review. Has co-authored a book on the low-carbon economy for India and is an MBA/MSc graduate of Stanford University School of Business and Engineering.
Businesses can use climate data alongside industry-specific data to inform short-term actions and long-term projects to mitigate against climate risks.
Supply chain climate action plans could create coalitions of cross-sector players to identify climate risks and work towards adaptation solutions protecting global networks.
El clima extremo en periodos críticos de la temporada de cultivo causan trastornos de gran alcance en todo el mundo y el cambio climático aumenta los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos.
Extreme weather in critical periods of the growing season causes far-reaching disruptions worldwide and climate change increases extreme weather events.