9 unexpected side effects of climate change
Climate change is impacting everything from the sex and size of animals to the state of wine and coffee crops. It’s also making flights a lot bumpier.
Climate change is impacting everything from the sex and size of animals to the state of wine and coffee crops. It’s also making flights a lot bumpier.
Astronauts first boarded the International Space Station 23 years ago, and humans have been in space ever since. Here's an introduction to life on board.
Top economy stories: Big central banks pause interest rate rises; Surprise slowdown in Eurozone inflation; Japan to roll out economic stimulus package.
Tarika Barrett, Directora General de Girls Who Code, quiere cerrar la brecha de género en los nuevos puestos tecnológicos de nivel inicial para 2030. He aquí su entrevista al Foro Económi...
EUでは、個人が組織に対し、オンライン上の個人情報の削除を要求することができる「忘れられる権利」が定められています。 個人情報の削除要請が認められるのは、データが古いまたは不快なものであるなど、特定の基準を満たしている場合に限られます。 世界経済フォーラムの、グローバル・コアリション・フォー・デジタル・セーフティは、オンライン上の有害なコンテンツに対する取り組みを進め...
Luego del septiembre más cálido, los científicos del clima afirman que el aumento de los niveles de CO2, unido a El Niño, podría convertir 2023 en el año más caluroso jamás registrado.
The Global Biofuel Alliance launched at the G20 this year with the aim of boosting supply and demand for biofuels. The World Economic Forum is a member.
Girls Who Code aims to close the gender gap in new entry-level tech roles by 2030, CEO Tarika Barrett told the World Economic Forum in an interview.
How to increase women's participation in politics? India will reserve 33% of seats for women in parliament’s lower house. Rwanda and Mexico are also leaders.
Top nature and climate stories: Green energy surge keeps 1.5°C chances alive; Brazil taskforce to tackle drought; Climate change lawsuits filed against 32 governments.
The biggest space missions planned for the 2020s: from NASA’s Artemis III to ESA’s ExoMars and China’s Chang’e 6. Plus, what are SpaceX’s plans?