This factory in the Ivory Coast is turning plastic waste into classrooms
The factory in the Ivory Coast will be the first of its kind in Africa and aims to produce enough plastic bricks to build 500 classrooms by 2021.
The factory in the Ivory Coast will be the first of its kind in Africa and aims to produce enough plastic bricks to build 500 classrooms by 2021.
Namibian women join the global #MeToo movement against sexual violence.
Chefs Bela Gil, Anahita Dhondy and Rosette Fien are finding healthy and tasty solutions to one of the world's greatest health crises - poor nutrition.
Across low- and middle-income countries, 313 million fewer women than men use mobile internet, representing a gender gap of 23 per cent
A video games studio is providing training to prospective entrepreneurs.
Scientist Janet Fofang is introducing the next generation of female workers to artificial intelligence.
The Chamber of Mines, in central Johannesburg, has become the site of green entrepreneurship - rooftop farming.