The great wealth tax debate
Inequality is back at the forefront of economic policy debates.
Jean Pisani-Ferry is a professor at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, and currently serves as the French government’s Commissioner-General for Policy Planning. He is a former director of Bruegel, the Brussels-based economic think tank.
Inequality is back at the forefront of economic policy debates.
El principal factor detrás de este cambio en las actitudes públicas es que muchos ciudadanos han perdido la fe en el progreso. Ya no creen que el futuro les traerá una mejora material y q...
Los problemas de la eurozona no admiten soluciones fáciles. Pero una cosa está clara: la falta de un debate auténtico sobre los futuros posibles es seriamente preocupante. El silencio no ...
Jean Pisani-Ferry argues that we're not faced with a choice between 'budgetary responsibility and economic revitalization' - both are possible.
Los gobiernos deberían endeudarse ahora para financiar programas de inversión física e institucional especiales que se lleven a cabo en los próximos años.
Jean Pisani-Ferry argues that regional voting patterns can tell us a lot about social, economic and educational divides.
No es casualidad que alcaldes de centroizquierda gobiernen Nueva York, Londres, París y Berlín, mientras que las ciudades más pequeñas y postergadas tienden a preferir a políticos de la d...
Jean Pisani-Ferry looks at the lack of trust in experts, from economists to natural scientists.
Jean Pisani-Ferry looks at why we're losing our trust in experts.
If voters in the UK decide in the country’s referendum on June 23 to leave the EU, it will not be for economic reasons, says Jean Pisani-Ferry.
Jean Pisani-Ferry looks at the trade-offs involved in economic policymaking.
The Eurozone must evaluate its options closely, argues Jean Pisani-Ferry.
Jean Pisani-Ferry discusses Brexit and the future of the European Union.
Redressing generational biases in the political system is a key question for all democracies, writes Jean Pisani Ferry.