How fiscal support is boosting our COVID-19 recovery
Countries worldwide launched wide-scale fiscal support measures to mitigate the output losses caused by lockdowns aimed at flattening the COVID-19 curve.
Undergraduate degrees, Balliol College, University of Oxford and Queen's University, Canada; MSc, London School of Economics; PhD, University of Chicago. With the International Monetary Fund: formerly, led the division that produces the Fund's flagship multilateral surveillance publication, the World Economic Outlook, and led country teams on Japan and a number of Asian economies; currently, Deputy Director, Research; leads work on global systemic macrofinancial risks (including for the IMF-FSB Early Warning Exercises) and assessments of key currency values. Has contributed to the evolution of the IMF's policy lending toolkit reforms, and to the reforms of the institution's views on capital controls. Has been at the forefront of recent work on the connections between income inequality and the fragility of economic growth. Author of numerous articles and books on international economic policy issues.
Countries worldwide launched wide-scale fiscal support measures to mitigate the output losses caused by lockdowns aimed at flattening the COVID-19 curve.
Access to and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines has been heterogeneous and uneven, with more advanced economies having received a larger share of vaccinations.
Asia-Pacific's economy is rebounding from the pandemic, but analysis from the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook shows its countries aren't recovering at the same speed.
La investigación del FMI muestra que la brecha de desigualdad entre ricos y pobres se ha ampliado después de las epidemias anteriores - y COVID-19 no será diferente.
IMF research shows that the inequality gap between rich and poor has widened after previous epidemics - and COVID-19 will be no different.
Knowing whether public debt is sustainable is as critical for economists analysing fiscal policy as for practitioners tasked with charting desirable policy paths.
Rodrik (1998) famously wrote that capital flowing freely across the world would leave economies “hostage to the whims and fancies of two dozen or so thirty-somethings in London, Frankfurt...
The benefits and pitfalls of protectionist trade policies have long been debated by economists and policy-makers. New research suggests it can cause more harm than good.
The persistent gap between female and male labour force participation comes at a significant economic cost.
Ninguna economía avanzada o de ingreso mediano ha logrado reducir la brecha de género lo suficiente para situarla por debajo de los 7 puntos porcentuales.
Women and men bring different skills and perspectives to the workplace, including different attitudes to risk and collaboration, writes Christine Lagarde.
La decisión de colocar a la desigualdad en el centro de la discusión en Davos este año fue un progreso alentador. Pero todavía falta desarrollar soluciones reales.
This set of policies can help make globalisation more inclusive.
Tras los repetidos ciclos de auge y colapso de los flujos de capital, numerosos mercados emergentes han internalizado la lección de que deben manejarlos para poder beneficiarse de la glob...
Es cierto que la tecnología y el comercio marcan tendencias que son difíciles de contener, pero los estudios del FMI han demostrado que el diseño de las políticas públicas reviste import...