Former editor at Research Media. Currently working as a freelance science writer for the BBC, New Scientist, Nautilus and more.
Coal, oil and gas are being pushed out of power grids by a record expansion of wind and solar, according to climate think tank Ember's electricity review.
In this Q&A, Carbon Brief examines all of the proposals that make up the European Commission's Green Deal Industrial Plan.
Carbon Brief explains the key points behind the UK Climate Resilience Programme, a government-backed initiative to understand the risks of climate change.
If we are to halt climate change by reducing global emissions, we need to stop burning fossil fuels and switch to renewables. So how much progress has been made?
Solar panels floating on the lakes formed by Africa’s hydropower dams could be a major new source of power, according to a new study published in Renewable Energy.
Wind and solar capacity will exceed oil and gas by as early as 2024, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency.
A new study has shown that a strong global green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic could allow the world to avoid 0.3C of global warming by the middle of the century.
The IEA has outlined some of the effects COVID-19 is having on fossil fuel-based power plants, including bringing plans for their retirement forward.
研究人员分析的每个城市的项目都可以在没有补贴的情况下、以低于电网供电的价格建成,而且大约五分之一的项目还可以与中国的煤电价格相竞争。 他们表示,市电同价——即太阳能发电与电网供电成本相同的“临界点”——代表着可再生能源扩张进入一个关键阶段。
China has the largest solar industry in the world and now it has reached grid parity. This expansion means solar generation costs the same as electricity from the grid.
It was feared that the Adélie penguins' numbers had been in decline because of climate change.