Emerging technology, data solutions and innovation can help secure food and water systems. Here's what's needed for better decision making.
Es posible que los humanos escapen de la pobreza y estén a salvo del daño causado por el cambio del sistema terrestre. He aquí cómo podemos crear un "espacio seguro y justo" para todos.
It is possible for humans to escape poverty and be safe from harm caused by Earth's system change. Here's how we can create a "safe and just space" for people worldwide.
Amid the worsening climate crisis, positive societal and economic systems change is feasible. The recently published Safe and Just Earth System Boundaries proves it.
Humans are pushing Earth to a dangerous climate tipping point. New research sets out a framework of 'earth system boundaries' to keep the planet stable.
While the Paris agreement establishes ways of tackling climate change, specific international targets for preserving the earths natural systems are limited.
Le réchauffement climatique ne constitue cependant que l’une des multiples crises urgentes et interconnectées qui menacent aujourd’hui les fondements mêmes du bien-être humain.