Geographies in Depth
由于新冠肺炎疫情,Thea Tang在隔离中度过了整个春天,并制定了新的生活目标。目标清单简短而具体:赚到200万元(合28万美元),拥有两套全款购置的房屋,在35岁之前退休。
Li You is a reporter at Sixth Tone
由于新冠肺炎疫情,Thea Tang在隔离中度过了整个春天,并制定了新的生活目标。目标清单简短而具体:赚到200万元(合28万美元),拥有两套全款购置的房屋,在35岁之前退休。
Individuals across China are cutting back on spending money on new clothes and meals out, in a bid to add to their savings - and retire early.
Under new guidelines, companies will be forbidden from asking female candidates about their marital status or possible pregnancies.
The scheme connects low-income villages with people who are willing to pay to offset their carbon emissions
Environmental entrepreneur Tom Szaky on the quest to clean up China’s recycling industry.