The challenges and opportunities of China's new Silk Road
China's new Silk Road project, which involves more than 60 countries, implies unprecedented opportunities – and challenges.
1987, MBA, City Univ., London. Former: Deputy Governor, Fujian Province and Secretary-General, Fujian Provincial Gov't; Deputy Governor, China Dev. Bank, China; Deputy Governor, People's Bank of China; Chairman, Everbright Group, China; Chairman and President, Bank of China. Since 2003, current position and Chairman, Int'l Advisory Council. Member: Monetary Policy Cttee, People's Bank of China; 17th Central Cttee, Communist Party; China Nat'l Energy Commission; Int'l Advisory Boards, Peking Univ. and Tsinghua Univ.; Financial Stability Board; Governance Body, Basel Cttee on Banking Supervision. Senior Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. Vice-Chairman, Standing Cttee, Supervisory and Regulatory Cooperation. Member, Board, Int'l Center for Leadership in Finance, Bank Negara Malaysia. Recipient, honours and awards.