Why transport and supply chain ecosystems need to be cyber secured
Transport plays a key role in connecting global economies by facilitating global trade and economic activity, so we must ensure that it's cyber secure.
Margi is a member of the Global Industries team and oversees Aviation, Travel & Tourism; Supply Chain & Transport; Manufacturing and Automotive Industries. Harnessing cross value chain leadership insight, our communities enable a collective response to building resilience, reimagining globalization, rewiring for AI, navigating the green transition, and addressing economic inclusion from a system and network level perspective.
Prior to joining the World Economic Forum, Margi served in global multi-national companies across express transport, supply chain, shipping, retail and healthcare sectors. Margi has worked in Europe, Africa, Asia and in the United States, serving both private and public-sector clients, and holds an MBA in International Business from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Transport plays a key role in connecting global economies by facilitating global trade and economic activity, so we must ensure that it's cyber secure.
Embracing a multi-fuel future needs more than just new energy sources – it needs resilient digital and physical infrastructure. Developing a networked infrastructure of port-anchored indu...
A digital twin is a dynamic, digital representation of an object or system that allows you to model complex processes and aids difficult decision-making.
Engaging public and private stakeholders in creating a data collaboration policy framework is a must for building resilience in the maritime supply chain.
Carbon markets can prove useful as part of a new accounting framework to accelerate the green transition of hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as freight.
El cumplimiento de los objetivos de descarbonización, unido a los rápidos avances tecnológicos, requerirá una mano de obra más cualificada y com mayores competencias digitales.
The shipping sector currently accounts for 3% of CO2 emissions and decarbonizing the industry will require reskilling and coordinated global policy-making.
Maritime shipping is responsible for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As the sector goes green, these three economies are emerging as leaders.
Reducing supply-chain emissions could significantly reduce freight's Scope 3 emissions, accelerating decarbonization of global freight transportation.
To keep seafarers safe and discourage attacks, ships working in the Gulf of Guinea need a naval presence that actively enforces International Maritime Law.
UNICEF and WEF call on logistics firms with international and local footprint who want to be a part of the global collective vaccine distribution effort.
The magnitude of the task will test global supply chains like never before and needs bold collective action from multinationals, governments and industries
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, more than 300,000 seafarers have been stuck on board their vessels. It's a human crisis that also threatens supply chains.