How the pandemic accelerated digital transformation in advanced economies
Digitalization has proved to be a silver lining of the pandemic for many advanced economies, but gaps persist across countries and sectors, say researchers.
Digitalization has proved to be a silver lining of the pandemic for many advanced economies, but gaps persist across countries and sectors, say researchers.
Labour shortages have pushed up wage growth. This benefits low-paid workers but can add to inflation risk - bringing more workers into the market can help.
Women with young children have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 lockdowns. The IMF suggests four ways policymakers can help mothers.
COVID-19 está impactando a las mujeres y amenazando con revertir el progreso en el cierre de la brecha económica de género, pero con las políticas adecuadas esto puede ser mediado, dice e...
COVID-19 is impacting women and threatening to reverse progress in closing the economic gender gap, but with the right policies this can be mediated, says the IMF.
The COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting women economically, derailing years of progress to close the gender gap, but gender-responsive fiscal policy could help.