It’s not enough to respond to crises. We need to take action before they happen
Taking an anticipatory approach will provide better, faster and cheaper solutions to humanitarian needs.
BA in Economics and History, Oxford University; MSc in Economics, University of London. Qualified accountant. Over 30 years of humanitarian and development experience. Served for extended periods in Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Former positions with the UK Department for International Development (DFID) include: Director of Finance; Director-General for both Policy and Corporate Performance; Director-General for Africa and Asia, coordinating its response to humanitarian emergencies in Haiti, Pakistan and Myanmar; Permanent Secretary, leading the United Kingdom’s humanitarian response to conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Libya as well as to natural disasters in the Philippines and Nepal. May 2017, Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and Emergency Relief Coordinator; serves as the chief coordinator of the world’s humanitarian response in times of urgent crisis.
Taking an anticipatory approach will provide better, faster and cheaper solutions to humanitarian needs.
Chaque année, les organisations humanitaires sauvent et protègent des dizaines de millions de personnes touchées par des crises à travers le monde.
Pour augmenter le pourcentage de zones secourues, les agences humanitaires doivent sortir des modèles de financement traditionnels.
If the humanitarian sector is to meet the world's growing needs for intervention, it has to start planning in advance.
The UN and other international organisations must fight sexual harassment and abuse at home and abroad.