La IA y la conservación ambiental: De dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos
De satélites hasta cámaras térmicas, la tecnología siempre ha sido una poderosa herramienta para la conservación. La IA podría ser la más importante de todas.
Human geographer and computational social scientist by training, Metolo’s interest spans across tropical landscapes restoration, the wildlife economy, human rights and grassroots movements, public policy and the role of arts and tech in shaping dynamics within these fields.
Prior to specializing within conservation science, she spent over a decade adding value to organisations by delivering innovative projects that engage stakeholders and expertise in education, agriculture, public affairs, communications, translation, and cyber security.
When she is not in rural areas contributing to community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), she paints, writes, engages in sports or globe/cyber trotting to show and see the world as others do.
Metolo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and International Relations, a Master’s degree in Conflict, Peace, and Security, and she is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Florida.
De satélites hasta cámaras térmicas, la tecnología siempre ha sido una poderosa herramienta para la conservación. La IA podría ser la más importante de todas.
From satellites to thermal cameras, technology has always been a powerful tool for conservation. Artificial Intelligence could be the most important yet.
See how, by integrating community-based approaches and public-private collaborations into climate finance strategies, we can better address climate change.