A historic leap in cancer vaccines – here’s what you need to know
The world’s first cancer vaccine trial has started in the UK – a potentially revolutionary step towards improving the lives of millions of patients.
The world’s first cancer vaccine trial has started in the UK – a potentially revolutionary step towards improving the lives of millions of patients.
心理健康是一场全球危机,全球50%的人在一生中会患上心理疾病。世界经济论坛的全球卫生执行官Ruma Bhargava博士表示,身体和心理紧密相连,因此,将保护身心列为共同的优先事项对于改善整体健康状况至关重要。保护身体健康对于保护心理健康具有直接作用。
La selva amazónica proporciona lluvia y seguridad hídrica a gran parte de América Latina. Pero sus "ríos voladores" están amenazados por la pérdida de bosques y el cambio climático.
The Amazon rainforest provides rain and water security across much of Latin America. But its 'flying rivers' are under threat from forest loss and climate change.
Meeting global targets to reduce malaria by 90% by 2030 will not only save thousands of lives, but also add $126 billion to Africa’s GDP. Here’s how.
Wildlife crime impacts 4,000 animal and plant species – and it’s growing fast. Here’s what you need to know.
Nature and the natural world can give the travel industry a vital boost, with nature tourism generating more than $600 billion in revenue globally.
Our mind and body act as one. A World Economic Forum expert shares why urgently reducing stress for both is so important.
The climate crisis and growing populations are straining global food security. But AI and agritech services can positively impact more than half a billion farmers.
The cybersecurity industry is affected by a global shortage of workers and urgently needs to take action. A new white paper outlines steps companies can take to attract talent.
Abril es el Mes de la Educación Financiera en EE.UU., pero una encuesta anual revela que sólo la mitad de los estadounidenses entienden los conceptos básicos de las finanzas. Esto es lo q...
April is Financial Literacy Month in the US, but an annual survey reveals only half of Americans understand the basics of finance. Here’s what needs to happen.