Is 3D printing the future of moon exploration?
3D printers could build entire structures from pieces of asteroid on the moon.
Morgan is a trained anthropologist and historian of science whose research interests include the Neolithic transition in Europe, transnational environmental history (particularly in the Pacific and Indian Ocean worlds), as well as the many interactions between science, technology and society. He is also particularly interested in solution oriented strategies for sustainable development that combine innovation in government, business and technology as well as evolutions in individual and consumer behavior.
Morgan holds Master\'s degrees in Cultural Anthropology from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and in Evolution, Natural Heritage and Society from the Muséum National d\'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. He submitted his PhD thesis in the History and Philosophy of Science at Melbourne University.
3D printers could build entire structures from pieces of asteroid on the moon.
A single asteroid could yield trillions of dollars worth of metals, which could lead to a global boom in wealth.