Housing prices have fallen the most in these countries
The IMF's Chart of the Week shows widespread declines in inflation-adjusted housing prices for two-thirds of OECD countries, with Denmark leading the pack.
Prakash Loungani is an advisor in the IMF’s Research Department. He is also an adjunct professor of management at Vanderbilt University’s Owen School, where he has taught in the Executive MBA program since 2001, and at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.
The IMF's Chart of the Week shows widespread declines in inflation-adjusted housing prices for two-thirds of OECD countries, with Denmark leading the pack.
La investigación del FMI muestra que la brecha de desigualdad entre ricos y pobres se ha ampliado después de las epidemias anteriores - y COVID-19 no será diferente.
IMF research shows that the inequality gap between rich and poor has widened after previous epidemics - and COVID-19 will be no different.
Rodrik (1998) famously wrote that capital flowing freely across the world would leave economies “hostage to the whims and fancies of two dozen or so thirty-somethings in London, Frankfurt...
The design of labor market policies in emerging markets differs significantly from that in advanced economies.
Históricamente, el crecimiento económico se ha movido en paralelo a la contaminación. ¿Pueden los países romper este vínculo y gestionar el crecimiento al mismo tiempo que reducen la cont...
Can they be decoupled?
Es cierto que la tecnología y el comercio marcan tendencias que son difíciles de contener, pero los estudios del FMI han demostrado que el diseño de las políticas públicas reviste import...
Hace cuatro años, en el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos, la Directora Gerente del FMI, Christine Lagarde, advirtió sobre los peligros que encerraba la creciente desigualdad.
The IMF looks at global houses prices, and asks if we should be worried.
Si bien los aumentos de precios mundiales de la vivienda obedecen a restricciones en la oferta, su impacto en el endeudamiento de los hogares podría tener implicaciones negativas para la ...