Emerging Technologies
These are the 4 types of digital workers and how they serve us
The rapid development of AI is resulting in ‘digital employees’ entering the workforce. They can offer businesses advantages, but there are also pitfalls.
The rapid development of AI is resulting in ‘digital employees’ entering the workforce. They can offer businesses advantages, but there are also pitfalls.
一位心理学教授指出,“提取练习”(retrieval practice)和“间隔效应”(spacing effect)是学习的重要策略;“间隔效应”是指在一段时间内多次进行小剂量的学习;“提取练习”要求学习者进行自我测试,以帮助自己意识到哪些知识自己已经记住了、哪些没记住;这位教授说,学习如何学习对于在正规教育之外取得成功至关重要。
‘Retrieval practice’ and ‘spacing’ are key strategies for learning, a psychology professor says. Learning how to learn is crucial to ensuring success.
People who combine different learning practices have the best chance of remembering information, according to a professor of psychology.