Eurozone inflation continues to fall, and other economy stories to read this week
Top economy stories: Eurozone inflation falls for third consecutive month; OECD: Tough inflation action could put countries at risk of recession, and more.
Top economy stories: Eurozone inflation falls for third consecutive month; OECD: Tough inflation action could put countries at risk of recession, and more.
We’ve all heard of COP, but what have the key outcomes of the conferences been? Here are 3, from the Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement.
Banks predict slower growth for global economy in 2024; Japan's economy contracts more than expected; US unemployment claims at highest in three months.
The world keeps breaking temperature records in 2023. It has faced the hottest October, September, August and July. Will 2023 be the hottest year ever?
With a commitment to carbon neutrality by 2040, Höegh Autoliners is leading the way in sustainable deep-sea transportation. Its sustainable car carrier is one example.
Luego del septiembre más cálido, los científicos del clima afirman que el aumento de los niveles de CO2, unido a El Niño, podría convertir 2023 en el año más caluroso jamás registrado.
Climate change and extreme weather events are impacting animal migration patterns, with over half of all species on the move.
Múltiples crisis mundiales ponen en riesgo la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030, según afirma Naciones Unidas en su informe de actualización.
Multiple global crises continue to put the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals "in peril", the United Nations says in its 2023 update report on the SDGs.
Women are discriminated against in the rental market. This UK housing project seeks to support the most vulnerable – but it’s not without its detractors.
Organizational psychologist, author and Wharton professor Adam Grant picks his top reads for the summer – and they cover everything from perfectionism to AI.
Sponge cities work in tune with nature to quickly soak up heavy rainfall rather than solely relying on grey infrastructure like pipes and pumps.
Self-taught coder Lady Mariéme Jamme is educating marginalized girls across the world and teaching them to code - to empower a new generation of women.