How cities, not states, can solve the world's biggest problems
As the majority of the world's population moves to cities, will we see a shift in soft power away from nation states?
Chief Executive Officer and Senior Fellow, IDFC Institute, a Mumbai-based think/do tank focused on state capacity and political economy. Non-resident scholar, New York University, and Senior Fellow, Milken Institute. Former Professor and Executive Director, Centre for Emerging Markets Solutions (CEMS), Indian School of Business (ISB).
Senior Advisor to Swiss Re and the Asia New Zealand Foundation; Board member, Centre for Civil Society, India's leading classical liberal think tank; Advocata, a Sri Lankan think tank; THNK, The Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership; GSM Association's Interact. Investment committee of Endiya, an early stage deep-tech fund. Former Independent Director, Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF), an impact investment pioneer and Member, Global Advisory Board of Unicredit, Italy's largest bank. TED Global Fellow (2007); served on the TED Fellows Advisory Board. Legatum Institute Fellow (2013 and 2016/2017). Named to Wired Magazine's "Smart List 2012: 50 people who will change the world". Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2009).
MA, MPhil and PhD, Columbia University. Former: Associate Fellow in Global Economics, Council on Foreign Relations; Fellow, Public Policy Consortium; Sloan Foundation/CITI Telecommunications Fellow.